Urbanization, gender, and the global south: A transformative knowledge network

Situated within the dynamic early 21st century context of urbanization, this partnership conducts research and engages in public education and policy enrichment in seven strategically chosen cities in lower middle-income countries. It aims to advance understanding of how the relationship between poverty and inequality is being transformed, focusing in particular on how this is reconstituting gender relations and women’s right to the city. The partnership is timely given that it was only very recently that the majority of the world’s population began living in urban centres, with urbanization fueled by rapid urban population growth in the urban global south (through natural increase and migration) and largely unrestrained capital mobility and accumulation.

News Highlights

Lens In Bloom Photo Dairy - Shanghai

GenUrb's Shanghai city team partnered with Vox Photo Project in this seminal photo diary. Lens In Bloom involved eleven women in the city of Shanghai, who were basic photography skills and documented their daily lives under the themes of Everyday Objects, Everyday Feelings and The Good Old Days. Previously exhibited at the Yuwatai Art Center from 8th to 13th June, 2019, the photo diary is now available online in pdf format. Click below to discover more.