Feminist Explorations of Urban Futures International Conference (FEUF), York University, Toronto, Canada. (GenUrb Partnership). Sept 26-28, 2020.
“Emergent Possibilities through feminist urban research” (5 sessions). American Association of Geographers (AAG). Denver, Colorado. USA. (Grace Adeniyi-Ogunyankin, Ibadan CRT; Penn Ip, Shanghai CRT; Linda Peake, York Team; Nasya Razavi, Cochabamba CRT; Araby Smyth, York Team; Biftu Yousuf, York Team; Carmen Ponce, York Team; and invited speakers). March 25, 2023.
Yousuf, B. (2023). Using NVivo in Feminist Research [Presentation]. Lumivero Virtual Conference 2023: Better Together for Better Insights, Research, and Outcomes. September 27-28, 2023.
Academic Conference Sessions
“Theorizing Feminist Urban Comparative Research,” International Geographical Union, Paris, France (Linda Peake, Araby Smyth, Maria Anne Fitzgerald, Nasya Razavi, Grace Adeniyi Ogunyankin, & Penn Ip). July 18-20, 2022.
Side Event with GenUrb and UN-Habitat Gender Hub: “Women and the urban: Synergies between SDG 5 and SDG 11″, 9th Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF 9), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Ana Falu & Cristina Temenos, Policy Team; Elsa Koleth & Linda Peake, York Team). Feb 7-13, 2018
“A feminist urban theory for our time: Rethinking social reproduction, the urban, and its constitutive outside”. Four sessions (16 presentations). American Association of Geographers, New Orleans, USA (Elsa Koleth & Linda Peake, York Team), April 10-14, 2018.
“Doing Comparative Feminist Urban Research: The GenUrb Experience”. Comparative Urbanisms: Global Perspectives Conference, Georgia State University, Atlanta (Penn Ip, Elsa Koleth, & Linda Peake, York). March 7-8, 2019.
September in the city: Rhythms in the making of lives and cities. Two sessions, International Conference of Critical Geography (ICCG), Athens, Greece (with 19 GenUrb speakers). April 19-23, 2019.
Covid 19 and Circulations of Care in the City. Association of American Geographers. Virtual. (Anindita Datta, Delhi CRT; Penn Ip, Shanghai CRT; Linda Peake and Nasya Razavi, York Team). April 7, 2021.
“Thinking about Feminist Comparative Urban Research 1: the GenUrb Project”. 2022 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting. Virtual. (Linda Peake, York Team; Mel Mikhail, York Team; Elsa Koleth, York Team; Faranak Miraftab, Comparative Research Team; Beverley Mullings, Comparative Research Team; Anindita Datta, Delhi CRT; Penn Ip, Shanghai CRT). February 28, 2022.
“Thinking about Feminist Comparative Urban Research 2: Knowledge production in the GenUrb Project”. 2022 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting. Virtual. (Linda Peake, York Team; Anindita Datta, Delhi CRT; Elsa Koleth, York Team; Biftu Yousuf, York Team; Nasya Razavi, Cochabamba CRT; Mantha Katsikana, York Team; Araby Smyth, York Team; Grace Adeniyi Ogunyankin, Ibadan CRT). February 28, 2022.
“Exploring the Changing Trends of Rural-Urban Migration in China: Urbanization, Gender and Everyday Life”. 2022 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting. Virtual. (Penn Ip, Shanghai CRT). March 3, 2022.
“Theorizing Feminist Urban Comparative Research: The GenUrb project I.” IGU Centennial Congress. Virtual. (Linda Peake, York Team.) 18-22 July, 2022.
“Feminist Urban Comparative Research: The GenUrb project II (Tricenary Roundtable on Feminist Praxis from Global South).” IGU Centennial Congress. (Linda Peake, York Team.) 18-22 July, 2022.
“Emergent possibilities through feminist urban research 1 & 2.” AAG 2023, Virtual. (GenUrb Partnership). AAG 2023, Virtual. 23-27 March, 2023.
Doing Feminist Urban Research: Insights from the GenUrb Project (Linda Peake, Mantha Katsikana, Mel Mikhail, and Biftu Yousuf, GenUrb York Team members.) Canadian Association of Geographers, Memorial University, Newfoundland, August 15, 2024
Mental-mapping Workshop (titled Community X Women’s Cultural Day), partnered by invitation with the NGO We and Equality, Shanghai, China. In Shanghainese. (Shanghai CRT). July 31, 2018.
Workshop on GenUrb: Who are we and what do we want to do? In Arabic. (Ramallah CRT). August 29, 2018.
Urban Feminist Methodologies Public Workshop, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. GenUrb Presenters: Cindi Katz, Elsa Koleth, Faranak Miraftab, Beverley Mullings, Linda Peake, Shilpa Phadke, Richa Nagar, Martina Rieker (GenUrb Partnership). Sept 28-29, 2018.
One panel discussion, two roundtables, one presentation, and two keynote addresses.
Photo-Diary Workshop partnered with Vox Photo Project (NGO). In Shanghainese (Shanghai CRT). Feb & March 2019.
Workshop on First Aid. In Arabic. (Ramallah CRT). April 4, 2019.
Workshop on Sweets Making. In Arabic. (Ramallah CRT). June 19, 2019.
Workshop in Urban Feminist Research: Ethnographic Research Tools (Ramallah CRT). July 28-29, 2019.
Held at Khalil alSakakini Cultural Center with Prof. Linda Peake and Prof. Rabab Tmaish as trainers. In Arabic and English.
Workshop: Mandala de la vida. Sacaba, Cochabamba, Bolivia. A workshop engaging women in GenUrb research and storytelling activities. In Spanish and Quechua. (Cochabamba CRT). August 17, 2019.
Domestic Violence Workshop I. In Creole (Georgetown CRT). October 19, 2019.
Domestic Violence Workshop II. In Creole (Georgetown CRT). October 29, 2019.
Workshop on Women’s Health Issues. In Arabic. (Ramallah CRT). January 2020.
Local Democracy Academy: Workshop on Feminist Cities. Sweden. (Cochabamba CRT) . 6-10 June, 2022.
Knowledge Dissemination Through Podcasts: a conceptual and practical guide. (Mantha Katsikana, GenUrb York Team, and Karen de Souza, GenUrb Georgetown City Research Team). Canadian Association of Geographers, Memorial University, Newfoundland, August 15, 2024.
Feminist NVivo Workshop. (Biftu Yousuf, GenUrb York team). Canadian Association of Geographers, Memorial University, Newfoundland, August 15, 2024.
Hong Kong Metropolitan University and GenUrb, International Workshop on Gender and the Urban in the 21st Century (Penn Tsz Ting Ip, Linda Peake, Anindidta Datta). Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Hong Kong, December 5-6, 2024.
Invited Public Lectures
Invited talks: “Urban Feminist Knowledge Production in the 21st Century” (ii) Graduate workshop: Publishing in Feminist Journals (iii) Workshop on an urban research institute. (Linda Peake, York Team). April 2017.
Centre for Urban Studies and Amsterdam Research Centre for Gender and Sexuality, University of Amsterdam. (i) Workshop: “The feminizing city? Productions of space for the post-Fordist sexual contract” (ii) Public lecture: “Urban Feminism in the 21st Century”. (Linda Peake, York Team). May 18, 2017.
Keynote speaker at the Useful Knowledge Society, Hamilton, Ontario: “Women and the City: Rebuilding a City that Works for Women” (Linda Peake, York Team). June 12, 2017.
The Politics of Space and the Humanities Conference. Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece. Invited keynote: “Urban feminist knowledge production for the ‘21st century of the city’. (Linda Peake, York Team). Dec 15-17, 2017.
Summer Institute in Urban Studies (SIUS), National University of Singapore. Four day workshop organized by NUS and Manchester University. Invited plenary presentation: “Urban place making and feminist knowledge production”. (Linda Peake, York Team). July 16-18, 2018.
“From Apprentice to Entrepreneur: Rural Migrant Workers, Leftover Women, and Affective Labor in Shanghai,” The University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China (Penn Ip, Shanghai CRT). Dec 4, 2018.
“Gender and Urban Culture: Rural Migrant Women in Shanghai,” Department of Public Policy, The City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (Penn Ip, Shanghai CRT). February 19, 2019.
“Exploring Affective Fieldwork Experiences: Creativity, Reciprocality and the Everyday Life of Lower-Class Working Women in Shanghai”, The Center for Urban and Global Studies, Trinity College, Hartford, USA (Penn Ip, Shanghai CRT). February 11, 2020.
“Everyday Urbanism in the Pandemic City: Gendered Experiences of Covid-19 in Southern Cities,” CITY Institute Web Seminar Series 2021-22 (Nasya Razavi, Cochabamba CRT). February 18, 2022. Listen here.
“Architecture, Planning, and International Law: On Domicide”, Architecture, Planning and International Law Series 2024 (Natasha Aruri, Ramallah CRT). May 23, 2024. Read more here.
Conference and Seminar Presentations
“Migrant Women Walking Down the Cheap Road: Modernization and Being Fashionable in Shanghai” (i)Association of American Geographers Conference, Boston MA, USA; (ii)Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Conference: Worlding Asia Beyond/After Globalization, Seoul, S. Korea (Penn Ip, Shanghai CRT). April 5-9, 2017 & July 28-30, 2017.
“Theorizing Shanghai Service Workers: Rural Migrant Women, Affective Labor, and the Chinese Dream,” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society Conference: Worlding: Asia Beyond/After Globalization, Seoul, South Korea (Penn Ip, Shanghai CRT). July 28-30, 2017.
“Re-Figuring and Configuring Public Spaces in Ramallah” International Conference II: Reclaiming Public Space within Metropolitan Areas, German Jordanian University (Ramallah CRT). Nov 22-24, 2017.
“Women and the urban: Synergies between SDG 5 and SDG 11”, 9th Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF9) (Ana Falu & Cristina Temenos, Policy Team; Elsa Koleth & Linda Peake, York Team). Feb 7-13, 2018.
“A flight of destiny”: Afropolitan Imagineering and Owambe Urbanism in Ibadan, Nigeria. African Center for Cities Urban Conference. University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa. (Grace Adeniyi-Ogunyankin, Ibadan CRT)
“A Feminist Urban Theory for Troubled Times”, Canadian Women and Geography Study Group Conference, Montreal, Canada (Elsa Koleth & Linda Peake, York Team). March 6-8, 2018.
“A Feminist Urban Theory for Our Time”, Association of American Geographers Conference, New Orleans, USA (Elsa Koleth & Linda Peake, York Team). April 14, 2018.
“A Feminist Urban Theory for our Time: Rethinking Social Reproduction, the Urban and its Constitutive Outside”, Urban Affairs Association Conference, Toronto, ON (Linda Peake, York Team). April 5, 2018.
“Re-Figuring and Claiming Antispaces in Ramallah”, First International Graduate Student Conference in the Social Sciences, Birzeit University (Natasha Aruri, Ramallah CRT). May 8-10, 2018.
“‘At Home in Shanghai?’ Rural-to-Urban Female Labor in 21st Century China,” The Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, University of Shanghai, Shanghai, China. (Penn Ip, Shanghai CRT). August 12-15, 2018.
“The uncertain promise of future happiness: Women, youth and urban change in Ibadan”, Nigeria. Institute of African Studies Brown Bag lecture. Carleton University. Ottawa, Ontario. (Grace Adeniyi-Ogunyankin, Ibadan CRT). March 2019.
“Doing Feminist Comparative Research: The GenUrb Experience,” Comparative Urbanism: Global Perspectives Conference, Urban Studies Institute, Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA (Linda Peake & Elsa Koleth, York Team). March 7-8, 2019.
“Gendered insecurities and the uncertain promise of urban renewal”. Institute for African Development Seminar Series. Cornell University. Ithaca, New York. (Grace Adeniyi-Ogunyankin, Ibadan CRT). April 2019.
“Fall in the City? Poverty, Women, and the New Workers’ Villages in Post-socialist Shanghai,”: September in the City: Rhythms in The Making of Lives and Cities II, 8th International Conference of Critical Geography, Athens, Greece (Penn Ip & Michelle Huang, Shanghai CRT). April 2019.
“Dayclean. Catching yuh hand in Georgetown”, 8th International Conference of Critical Geography (ICCG), Athens, Greece (Karen de Souza, Linda Peake & Nichola Marcus, Georgetown CRT). April 19-23, 2019.
“Cosmology and everyday urban life in Ibadan”. 8th International Conference of Critical Geography, Athens, Greece. (Grace Adeniyi-Ogunyankin & Monica Orisadare, Ibadan CRT). April 19-23, 2019.
“Ramallah: the watchtower” 8th International Conference of Critical Geography (ICCG), National Technical University of Athens (Natasha Aruri, Ramallah CRT). April 19-23, 2019.
“Gbomu le lantern: The embodiment and performativity of microfinance in Ibadan”, Nigeria. Canadian Association of African Studies Annual Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (Grace Adeniyi-Ogunyankin, Ibadan CRT). May 2019.
“Decolonization, politics, praxis and agency in knowledge production”. International Studies Association International Conference, Accra, University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana. (Sylvia Bawa & Grace Adeniyi-Ogunyankin, Ibadan CRT). August 2019.
“Takhayal [imagine]: dialogue and resistance” at the Palestinian City: Issues in Urban Transformations International Conference, Institute for Palestine Studies, Ramallah (Ramallah CRT). Nov 1-3, 2019.
“Contested Urban Futures: The Right to the City in Bolivia”. Conference of Latin American Geographers, Antigua, Guatemala. (Nasya Razavi, Cochabamba CRT & York Team). January 5, 2020.
“Mitigating Hunger, Violence and Loss: Women’s Solidarities in SundarNagri Delhi” Association of American Geographers. 2021. Virtual. (Anindita Datta and Swagata Basu, Delhi CRT). April 7, 2021.
“Revisiting Socialist Workers’ New Villages: The Everyday Life of Precarious Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Shanghai.” Association of American Geographers. Virtual. (Penn Tsz Ting Ip, Shanghai CRT, Yu Zhang, and Xi Liu). April 7, 2021.
“Radical Care and Mutual Aid: COVID-19, Gender, and Survival Strategies in Cochabamba, Bolivia” Association of American Geographers. Virtual. (Nasya Razavi, York Team & Cochabamba CRT). April 7, 2021.
“A Feminist Comparative Study of COVID 19 and Everyday Urbanisms in Southern Cities.” Canadian Association for the Study of International Development. Virtual. (Nasya Razavi, York Team and Cochabamba CRT). May 31-June 4th, 2021.
“The ollá común as radical care and pandemic solidarity in Bolivia.” Canadian Association of Geographers (hosted by UNBC). Virtual. (Nasya Razavi, York Team & Cochabamba CRT). June 7-11, 2021.
“Tiwa’s morning: Everyday urbanism through storytelling” RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021. Virtual. (Linda Peake & Grace Adeniyi-Ogunyankin, Ibadan CRT & York Team). 31 August, 2021.
“Feminist Urban Comparative Research: The GenUrb project II (Tricenary Roundtable on Feminist Praxis from Global South: Reflections from the Delhi CRT.)” Virtual. IGU Centennial Congress. (Anindita Datta, Swagata Basu [Delhi CRT], and Maria Anne Fitzgerald.) 18-22 July, 2022.
“Theorizing Feminist Urban Comparative Research: The GenUrb project I (Are our urban stories comparable and translatable?: On writing from India and China.) Virtual. IGU Centennial Congress. (Anindita Datta, Swagata Basu [Delhi CRT], Maria Anne Fitzgerald and Penn Ip [Shanghai CRT].) 18-22 July, 2022.
Presentation about Takhayali at the 9th ICCG in Mexico City within the panel series 9.1 Urban Crisis and Transformational Possibilities. (Ramallah CRT). October 26, 2023.
Workshop Presentations
Workshop: Infrastructural Violence in Ramallah: Time to Confront it: Infrastructural Violence in Ramallah and the Feminization of Poverty. Qattan Foundation (Ramallah CRT). March 27-28, 2019.
“The GenUrb Research Training Modules”, Urban Feminist Methodologies Public Workshop, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India. (Elsa Koleth, York Team). Sept 28-29, 2019.
“Feminist Urban Methodologies Across Site and Scale: Thinking Countertopographically about Research and Action”, Urban Feminist Methodologies Public Workshop, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India. (Cindi Katz, GenUrb International Advisory Board). Sept 28-29, 2019.
“Why Muddy the Waters? Situated Solidarities, Radical Vulnerability, and Feminist Research”, Urban Feminist Methodologies Public Workshop, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India. (Richa Nagar, GenUrb International Advisory Board). Sept 28-29, 2019.
“Ethnography Studies, Low-income Women, and Urbanization in Community X, Shanghai,” Feminist Methodologies and the Urban Workshop, Tata Institute, Mumbai, India. (Penn Ip, Shanghai CRT). Sept 28-29, 2019.
“The academy as a space of trauma”, York-Waterloo Early Career Professional Training Workshop in Urban Studies, The City Institute, York University, Toronto. (Elsa Koleth, York Team). November 15-16, 2019.