AAG Annual Meeting: COVID-19 and Circulations of Care in the City
April 6, 2021
New Publication: Elsa Koleth and Cristina Temenos
April 27, 2021Click here for PDF.
The GenUrb project is looking for a Post-Doctoral Fellow (PDF) to join our SSHRC funded project, Urbanization, Gender, and the Global south: a transformative knowledge network (GenUrb), based in Toronto, Canada. The position is full-time for 1 year (with the possibility for extension) and the person will be affiliated with the City Institute at York University working on a feminist comparative urban analysis of GenUrb data. The expected starting date is July 1, 2021, but is negotiable.
Main purpose of the job: The PDF will engage in the analysis of GenUrb generated data in these eight cities examining how the spatialities and temporalities of the everyday lives of marginalized women in low-income neighbourhoods are informing ecologies of place-making and the relationship between gender and urbanization. Through analyses across place, this project will produce insights into a feminist comparative analysis of urbanization as well as addressing gaps between national and global urban policy and marginalized women’s everyday lives.
Qualifications and Experience: Reporting to Prof. Linda Peake, PI; Leeann Bennett, Grant Manager; and members of the GenUrb Comparative Team, the post holder will work as part of the GenUrb global research team. The candidate should have a Ph.D. in urban geography or a related urban field with interests in feminist urban theory and urban everyday life, and should have experience of working in a city in the global south. They should have skills in and experience of analyzing qualitative data (familiarity with NVIVO would be a definite asset) and be expected to co-author outputs. They will also provide support in knowledge mobilization, including helping to organize a project conference, contributing to online materials and research training modules, as well as any other tasks assigned. The postholder will be expected to be a full collaborator in the GenUrb project.
Salary: $50,000 CAD/year
Application deadline: June 1st 2021.
Please submit applications by email, including a cover letter (with contact details for two referees) and CV in a single pdf attachment, as well as a writing sample, to Leeann Bennett (leeann3@yorku.ca).
The incumbent will preferably be based in Toronto. Moving costs can be covered up to a set amount.
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