Dr. Nasya Razavi Presents at CITY Institute’s 2021-22 Seminar Series
February 19, 2022
GenUrb Team Presents on Knowledge Production Techniques at the 2022 AAG Annual Meeting (virtual)
February 19, 2022A team from GenUrb, led by P.I. Linda Peake, will present on feminist comparative urban research at the virtual 2022 AAG Annual Meeting, on 28th February, 2022. Presentations and speakers in this panel session include:
1. A Genealogy of Feminist Comparative Urbanism, Mel Mikhail and Linda Peake
2. GenUrb: thinking Comparatively, Elsa Koleth, Faranak Miraftab, and Beverley Mullings
3. Are our urban stories comparable and translatable?: On writing from India and China, Anindita Datta and Penn Ip
The session will expand on how “expand on how GenUrb, a longitudinal feminist comparative urban research project, can further feminist theoretical contributions to current debates about comparative urban research”, as well as contribute to generating a decolonial, feminist approach to studying urban place-making with comparative studies of cities in the Global South.
This virtual session will take place from 3:40pm EST to 5:00pm EST. For more information and registration details, visit the organizer page here.
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