
Urbanization, gender and the global south: a transformative knowledge network (GenUrb) is a Partnership Grant funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), grant #895-2017-1011.


Materials on this website were produced and/or compiled by the Urbanization, Gender and the Global South (GenUrb) project in good faith as a public education resource. Unless otherwise specified, all content and graphics are the content of the GenUrb project or the relevant copyright holder.


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We are committed to maintaining an accessible website. For instance, where resources permit, we provide translated materials on our website and an option to request translations if needed. We also aim to include sources on this site for those who may be more visual learners.

Data Collection

We log HTTP requests to our server. This means that we know the originating IP address (e.g. of a user agent requesting a URL. We also know the Referrer and User-Agent information accompanied with an HTTP request. We analyze the log files monthly to determine which files are most requested and the referring site or user agent which prompted the request. Occasionally we conduct voluntary online surveys on a specific topic.

Archival of Information

Logged information is kept indefinitely as administrative and research material. Aggregated statistics (completely non-identifying) generated from these logs may be included in reports as part of research results.

Notice on Links

The GenUrb website provides internal and external links where relevant for the convenience of users.

Links to external websites are provided for educational purposes only and copyright for content on external websites belongs to the organisations producing the relevant content. The GenUrb project is not responsible for the accuracy, currency, reliability or accessibility of the content of external links. The GenUrb project does not offer any guarantee in that regard and is not responsible for the information found through these links, nor does it endorse the sites and their content.

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